Records of Glasgow Central Dispensary, medical clinic, Glasgow, Scotland 1889-1940


Records of Glasgow Central Dispensary, medical clinic, Glasgow, Scotland 1889-1940

0.2 metres



SNAC Resource ID: 6301909

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Glasgow Central Dispensary (medical clinic : 1889-1940 : Glasgow, Scotland) (corporateBody)

The Glasgow Central Dispensary opened in 1889 " give gratuitous advice to the sick poor...". In 1912 it moved to Richmond St where day surgery was undertaken. In 1937 an agreement was reached between the Dispensary and the nearby Glasgow Royal Infirmary whereby the latter took over the former. The Dispensary remained in operation until 1940 when the new Out-Patients Department at the Infirmary opened From the guide to the Records of Glasgow Central Dispensary, medical clinic, Gl...

Glasgow Central Dispensary (corporateBody)

Glasgow Royal Infirmary (corporateBody)